TSI SidePak AM510 Personal Aerosol Monitor
Product Brochure
Operation Manual
TSI IAQ Instrument Guide
TrakPro Brochure
TrakPro Manual
TSI SidePak AM510 $135 $315 $900

The TSI SidePak™ AM510 Personal Aerosol Monitor is a rugged, lightweight, belt-mounted laser photometer, weighing as little as 16 ounces. It’s compact and quiet, minimizing interference and worker discomfort. The built-in sampling pump lets you attach a wide variety of size-selective aerosol inlet conditioners for breathing zone or area measurements, or area measurements with a respirable cyclone, or one of the three integrated impactors.

The AMS10 comes with TSI’s Smart Battery Management System™, which includes long-running NIMH or alkaline battery packs and provides precise running time information in minutes remaining.
The AM510 personal aerosol monitor's easy-to-read display shows data in both real-time aerosol mass concentration and eight-hour time-weighted average (TWA). With its convenient data logging and long battery life, the monitor is also ideal for extended sampling.


  • Personal exposure monitoring/IH studies
  • Ambient/work area monitoring
  • Trending/screening
  • Engineering studies
  • Epidemiology health studies
  • Environmental sampling